Sunday, July 10, 2011

Ask Drs. Claro & Ghafouri: “I’m 38 – am I too old for braces?”

Of course not.

In fact, our staff at Irvine Orthodontics recently read a fascinating statistic: the number of adults getting braces has actually jumped 24 percent since 1996! Yes, braces help make your pearly whites strong, healthy and perfectly-aligned, but perhaps another reason for the spike in adult braces is this: people want to look and feel great.

In an age—and society—where looks matter as much as anything, and at a time when evenly-aligned teeth might be the difference between getting a job or a promotion, adults are choosing—wisely, we might add—to invest in orthodontics. Orthodontic treatment with Drs. Claro or Ghafouri can be successful at any age, and we know that adults especially appreciate the benefits of a beautiful smile.

If you’ve been thinking about getting that perfect smile, Drs. Claro and Ghafouri would love to have you visit for a consultation! Please give us a call to set one up!

1 comment:

  1. I had braces in my mid-forties. It was one of the best things I ever did for myself. I smile now without my hand in front of my mouth. Go for it!
    It boosts oral health as well as making a person more attractive. Easier to keep the teeth clean.
    Judy Henderson
    Element34 Technology
    SeLECT Defense
